Home Learning

Home Learning

Sites that we subscribe to:

Our school subscribes to various online learning tools that children can access at home.

These are all fun ways of reinforcing the learning that children are doing in class and are regularly monitored by class teachers.

All children in KS2 should have login details for their accounts, please contact the class teacher if they have any problems logging on from home:

TT Rockstars

Spelling Shed


Prodigy Maths Game

Useful Free Sites:

Maths and Science:

White Rose Maths – free maths resources

Primary Stars – free KS1 maths resources.

Top Marks – lots of interactive learning games.

CBeebies Numberblocks – games and other number resources for EYFS and KS1

Explorify For Science – science videos and ideas for activities.

Phonics and Early Reading:

Teach Your Monster to Read (Website is free, paid app)

Scholastic Magazine – American website with free books and interactive resources.

CBeebies AlphaBlocks

Oxford Owl – lots of reading and other resources.

Mindfulness and Keeping Active:

Cosmic Yoga – Yoga videos for 3+

BBC Supermovers – interactive videos to support maths, literacy and pshe.

Go Noodle – mindfulness, movement, dance etc.

Premier League Stars – videos and activities to support maths, literacy, pshe and pe.

Newsround – keep up with the latest world news.

Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) – PE lessons on YouTube.

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