On this page you will be able to find information about the work that Year 3 and Year 4 pupils are doing.
You will also find information about how you can help and encourage your child in their learning to enable them to fulfil the school values ‘To Nurture, To Grow and To Flourish’.
To enable you to be fully involved with your child’s learning we hold regular consultation meetings which provide an opportunity for pupils and parents to meet with the class teacher to discuss progress, celebrate achievements and discuss the next steps.
The class text for this half term is Stig of the Dump which links nicely with our topic of Stone Age to Iron Age. The children will be studying the text in more depth in our whole class guided reading session and then working on writing about the characters of Barney and Stig. In the latter part of the term we will be looking at instruction writing and using our skills to write a set of instuctions on how to make a stone age tool.
The first Maths topic of the year is place value, this gives the children a good foundation in understanding the meanings and values of numbers up to 4 and 5 digits. The children will then move onto the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The first half term we will study systems of the human body. To begin with we will the muscular system and the skeletal systems before moving on to the nervous system and the digestive system.
During the second half of the term we will be building on our understanding of the environment, plants and animals. The children will learn about cycles in nature. They will study patterns, trends and cycles that occur throughout the seasons, in the life of plants and in the life of animals.
Our topic for the first half term is Stone Age to the Iron Age. The children will be looking the chronology of this period and how people would have lived. We will be looking at house, settlements, food, clothing and doing a brief study of Stonehenge.
The topic for the second half of the term is Ancient Egypt. We will be looking at life in Ancient Egypt and the importance of the River Nile. Children will learn about Howard Carter and his discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in the 1920's.
The first half terms geography learning is all about spatial sense. We will be looking at using a compass and understanding the 8 main points. The children will also be learning how to use 4 figure grid references on maps. We will be putting these skills together to do some map work in the local area and within the school grounds.
During the second half of the term we will be be learning all about different types of settlement.
For the first half term the children will be looking at line drawing. Using their sketch books they will be carrying out exploratory drawings using different kinds of lines and drawing materials. The children then study how artists can vary the weight of their line and look at how artists use lines in different ways, to show shape, tone and texture. They will do drawing exercises to use lines in ways which they may not have encountered before: continuous line drawings to show a piece of fruit and using multiple lines next to each other to show the contours of a hand.
For the second half term we will be using still life and form.
This unit uses still life to explore how artists use different techniques to show the form of an object. In the first lesson they explore what a still life is. The children will study still life painted on the walls at Herculaneum and the work of Andy Warhol. How to create the illusion of three dimensions in a two dimensional drawing will be considered and the children will practise using different pencil techniques to show form and then draw their own still life from observation using cross-hatching.
Through the whole of the autumn term Islam will be the focus of our RE lessons. The children will learn that there are many Muslims living and worshiping in the UK and that prayer is important for all practising Muslims. We will study the five pillars of Islam to help the children develop their knowledge and understanding.
The first half terms PSHE topic is ‘Beginning and Belonging’
This unit aims to help the children consider their feelings about starting something new and how to make others feel welcome. The children will also think about how to manage their feelings and how to calm down if necessary.
The second half term we will be looking at Friends and Family. The children will learn about developing friendships and celebrating differences. After that, the children will consider who is important to them, focussing in on family.
PE on a Wednesday is taught by Mr Rodgers from Kick and on a Thursday by Miss Angier.
In this half term the children will be writing a setting description taking inspiration from our class text The Firework Makers Daughter.
Towards the end of the term we will be writing a non fiction text on Alfred the Great linked to our work in history.
During the second half of the spring term the children will be working on Fractions. We will be looking at what a fraction is, how to add and subtract fractions, comparing and ordering fractions and working out fractions of amount.
Children in Y4 will continue to prepare for their Multiplication Table Check which takes place in June.
Our science topic this half term
is Plants. We will study the parts
of a flowering plant and the pollination process. It is also British Science week in March so look out for some extra science based activities for pick and mix homework.
The topic for this term is The Anglo Saxons, The Scots and The Vikings. The children will be learning about where the Anglo Saxons came from after the Romans left Britain and how they lived here. We will be looking at the people who lived in Scotland at this time also and how the similarities and differences with Anglo Saxon life. The children will then go on to study the Viking invasion, settlements and their eventual defeat ending with a brief look at the Battle of Hastings.
Our topic for the first half term is Rivers. We will look at the structure of Rivers and then study various Rivers from around the world.
In the second half term we will be looking at the South West of England. The children will study the area looking at erosion, tourism and the history of the area.
Art will begin by looking back at last terms topic on the Ancient Egyptians. Concepts will include the power of the Pharaohs represented in art and what is a bust? The children will concentrate on sketching skills, modelling in clay and creating patterns as well as drawing in profile.
The second half of the term will look at Anglo Saxon art including Sutton Hoo treasures, art from Lindisfarne and the Bayeux Tapestry. The children will create drawings, collage and paintings.
During the first half of the term we will consider what Christians can learn from the creation story.
In the second half of the term we will be studying Judaism and the key question, what is important for Jews about being part of God’s family?
We will learn about synagogues as places of worship. We will also look at the importance of the Torah and the ten commandments to those of the Jewish faith.
We will think about ‘working together’, in particular with regards to developing good listening and communication skills. The children will also be introduced to financial management and will learn about how money may be obtained and how you can pay for items in different ways.
Sex and Relationships Education.
The children will learn to name external body parts, understand the differences between male and female bodies as well as appreciating that everyone is unique and valued.
The children study French for 30 minutes each week.
This term we are continuing to look at greeting each other in French and introducing ourselves. We will continue to work on listening, speaking, reading and writing in French.
This half term we will be studying non-chronological reports alongside our class reading book Beowulf. Children will write a report about their own mythical beast.
The children will be writing their own mythical story based on Beowulf and creating a poem based around the poem “The Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll.
Both year groups will be continuing their work on Fractions before moving onto looking at Charts and Graphs. Children will also be looking at shapes.
This half term children will be studying time and money.
Our summer 1 science topic is rocks. In this unit the children will learn about rocks including their appearance and simple physical properties. They will learn to recognize different types of rock and study how they were formed. Fossils will also be studied.
In the second half of the term ‘Forces and Magnets’ will be the focus of our studies. The children will learn about how some metals (but not all) are attracted to a magnet and about attraction and repulsion. They will also begin to learn about the forces of gravity and friction.
The topic for this half term is Law and Power. We will be looking at monarchs King Richard, King John and King Henry II and how they started to change the justice system in England.
In the second half of the term our Topic is The Wars of the Roses. Children will look at the monarchs and the battles involved in this period of history.
We begin the summer term by looking at the Geography of Western Europe. The Children will be learning about France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and The Netherlands. We will be doing lots of atlas work looking at political maps of the area.
The topic this half term is India and China. Children will be looking at the political and physical geography of both countries and comparing the two.
The children will be learning about the Parthenon which is an Ancient Greek temple to the goddess Athena, and how this is considered one of the most important pieces of architecture in the Western World. The children will also be learning about symmetry and line in architecture and comparing various buildings to see if they are symmetrical or asymmetrical. We will be looking at Gaudi’s work and how his work was inspired by nature. Here we will be looking at the Sagrada Familia and looking at some of its features and the mosaics Gaudi is well known for.
We will study Judaism for the first half of the term. We will learn about synagogues and the Torah scrolls. Shabbat will also be discussed, and we will compare and contrast Judaism with Christianity.
During the second half of the term the children will study a Christian unit on the Pentecost. They will learn what the Pentecost was, why it needed to happen and its impact on Christians.
Managing safety and risk will be our focus for the first half of the summer term. This will include thinking about safety around water, calling for the emergency services and what to do in the case of a fire.
Healthy Lifestyles- as part of this unit the children will learn about making healthy lifestyle choices. They will think about how stamina, strength and flexibility can be improved through physical activity. Healthy eating and dental hygiene will also be discussed.
PE will continue with Premier Sport and Kick.
Premier Sport will be working on striking and Fielding during the first half term
During the second part of the summer term PE will focus on athletics and sports day preparation.
This half term the children will be building on their programming skills from last half term. We will be programming shapes in scratch.
The children will use new software this half term to edit audio that they have recorded themselves as they work together to create a podcast.
Modern music with a focus on The Beatles will be central to this terms music study. Beats and rhythm will be part of the unit.
For the first half of the summer term children will be learning about the Future Tense with reference to travel and where they will go in the holidays. We will be using the simple future – I am going to go…je vais aller…
For the second half, the children will be learning Italian they will write to their pen pals about what they have learnt!
Mepal & Witcham C of E Primary School
Tel: 01353 778300
Email: office@mepalwitcham.cambs.sch.uk
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Mrs T Prance
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